Safety - Czech Republic
PRB monitoring
▪ In 2021, safety performance of the Czech Republic was stable and not affected by the pandemic. ANS CR, that has already exceeded the EoSM targets in the previous year, undertook further actions to enhance its SMS function and to align it to Regulation (EU) 2017/373.
▪ Czech Republic recorded an increase in the rate of runway incursions and Prague airport (LKPR) recorded the second highest rate of RIs at 6.4 per 100,000 movements. ANS CR should consider looking into the reasons contributing to the rate and take appropriate mitigating actions, if necessary.
▪ The rate of separation minima infringements decreased in 2021 and is below the Union-wide average rates. The NSA closely monitors the rate of occurrences and assesses the effectiveness of implemented measures.
▪ ANS CR monitors safety performance using specific automated safety recording tools for occurrences, and it is one of only a handful of ANSPs to do so.