Additional taxi-out times at Rome Fiumiccino (LIRF; 2019: 7.87 min/dep.; 2020: 3.1 min/dep.; 2021: 3 min/dep.; 2022: 5 min/dep.) increased significantly in 2022 resulting in the second highest additional taxi-out times in the SES monitored airports. The rest of Italian airports also observed an increase of their taxi-out times in 2022. According to the Italian monitoring report: As in previous years of this RP3 and also for the entire RP2, similar as for the PI of the Terminal/ASMA, ENAV SpA and the other ANSPs in ECAC do not have access to part of the data used by PRU to process the output, and therefore they are not able to replicate the data processing and consequently to verify the correct assessment of the information. As already reported last year within the comments of the 2022 Report, the ad-hoc WG PRU/EUROCONTROL/ANSPs created for the scope of reviewing the TAXI-OUT Methodology completed the assigned task and released the new Methodology at the end of the 2022. Then, since March 2023 both the outputs (new output and previous one) are available within the ANS Performance website, accessible at monthly level for the scope of monitoring and comparing any gaps or any inconsistencies between the National yearly counted outputs vs the assigned Performance Targets. Considering that the details of the trajectory data (flight trajectory on the airport manoeuvring area/TAXI-OUT) are only available (except the case subsequent a specific request addressed directly to the PRU) as consolidated value at monthly level, by an ah-hoc analysis conducted for this scope it can be noted that the new Methodology ensures greater stability of the “Reference” (the so-called “Baseline”, used to compare the actual data with the same “starting-ending” previous operational situations, obtained considering the previous 12 months rolling and not the previous month only as for the previous Methodology) when compared with the Actual data used to determine the proposed output. And so, leaving out the last two years characterized by the pandemic crisis, the consolidated figure for 2022 presents itself, for all 5 airports under monitoring, as an optimized/improved value when compare it vs the consolidated figure of 2019. The positive results counted in 2022, that evidence the reduction of the Additional TAXI-OUT time, encourage the Italian NSA to continue incentive ENAV SpA with their flight efficiency policy implemented at the scope to reduce/optimize the TAXI-OUT performances for the Italian airports monitored and consequently to reduce fuel consumptions and CO2 emissions. The single value that evidences (also for the PI ASMA) an increment in the Additional Time is Milano Linate (2019 vs 2022), for which an internal investigation is in progress to analyse the causes and to implement some mitigation actions to reduce the inefficiency.
Here following the output data of 2022 (using the new methodology) compared with similar amounts of traffic of 2019, although with characteristics that are not always the same both for the type of aircraft and/or for the details of the trajectory, for the PI additional taxi-out: LIMC (Milan/Malpensa) 2019: 5.11 mins 2022: 4.16 mins
LIME (Bergamo/Orio Alserio) 2019: 3.41 mins 2022: 3.22 mins
LIML (Milan/Linate) 2019: 3.75 mins 2022: 4.79 mins
LIPZ (Venice/Tessera) 2019: 3.98 mins 2022: 3.09 mins
LIRF (Rome/Fiumicino) 2019: 7.12 mins 2022: 5.88 mins
Here following the output data (using the current methodology), between 2019 and 2022 for the PI additional taxi-out: LIMC (Milan/Malpensa) 2019: 4.76 mins 2022: 3.41 mins
LIME (Bergamo/Orio Alserio) 2019: 1.81 mins 2022: 1.77 mins
LIML (Milan/Linate) 2019: 2.43 mins 2022: 2.89 mins
LIPZ (Venice/Tessera) 2019: 2.52 mins 2022: 1.83 mins
LIRF (Rome/Fiumicino) 2019: 7.87 mins 2022: 5.00 mins
Similar as for additional taxi-out time, additional ASMA times at the Italian airports increased in 2022. Milan Malpensa (LIMC: 2019: 2.59 min/arr.; 2020: 0.85 min/arr.; 2021: 1.25 min/arr.; 2022: 1.64 min/arr.) showed the longest additional ASMA time in Italy and one of the highest in the SES monitored airports (SES average additional ASMA time= 1.06 min/arr.) According to the Italian monitoring report: As in previous years of this RP3 and also for the RP2, similar as for the PI of the Taxi Time, ENAV SpA and the other ANSPs in ECAC do not have access to part of the data used by PRU to process the output, and therefore they are not able to replicate the data processing and consequently to verify the correct assessment of the information. As already reported last year within the comments of the 2022 Report, the ad-hoc WG created for the scope of reviewing the ASMA Methodology completed the assigned task and released the new Methodology at the end of the 2022. Then, since March 2023 both the outputs (new output and previous one) are available within the ANS Performance website, accessible at monthly level for the scope of monitoring and comparing any gaps or any inconsistencies between the counted National yearly outputs and the assigned Performance Targets. Considering that the details of the trajectory data (flight trajectory on the Terminal Area/ASMA) are only available (except the case subsequent a specific request addressed directly to the PRU) as consolidated value at monthly level, by an ah-hoc analysis conducted for this scope it can be noted that the new Methodology ensures greater stability of the “Reference” (the so-called “Baseline”, used to compare the actual data with the same “starting-ending” previous operational situations, obtained considering the previous 12 months rolling and not the previous month only as for the previous Methodology) when compared with the Actual data used to determine the proposed output. And so, leaving out the last two years characterized by the pandemic crisis, the consolidated figure for 2022 presents itself, for all 5 airports under monitoring, as an optimized/improved value when compare it vs the consolidated figure of 2019. The positive results counted in 2022, that evidence the reduction of the Additional ASMA time, encourage the Italian NSA to continue incentive ENAV SpA with their flight efficiency policy implemented at the scope to reduce/optimize the ASMA performances for the Italian airports monitored and consequently to reduce fuel consumptions and CO2 emissions. The single value that evidences (also for the PI TAXI-OUT) an increment in the Additional Time is Milano Linate, for which an internal investigation is in progress to analyse the causes and to implement some mitigation actions to reduce the inefficiency.
Here following the output data of 2022 (using the new methodology) compared with similar amounts of traffic of 2019, although with characteristics that are not always the same both for the type of aircraft and/or for the details of the trajectory, for the PI ASMA: LIMC (Milan/Malpensa) 2019: 4.48 mins 2022: 3.33 mins
LIME (Bergamo/Orio Alserio) 2019: 3.05 mins 2022: 2.30 mins
LIML (Milan/Linate) 2019: 2.46 mins 2022: 2.49 mins
LIPZ (Venice/Tessera) 2019: 3.49 mins 2022: 2.70 mins
LIRF (Rome/Fiumicino) 2019: 3.81 mins 2022: 2.88 mins
Here following the output data (using the current methodology), between 2019 and 2022 for the PI ASMA: LIMC (Milan/Malpensa) 2019: 2.59 mins 2022: 1.64 mins
LIME (Bergamo/Orio Alserio) 2019: 0.94 mins 2022: 0.81 mins
LIML (Milan/Linate) 2019: 0.96 mins 2022: 1.16 mins
LIPZ (Venice/Tessera) 2019: 1.95 mins 2022: 1.15 mins
LIRF (Rome/Fiumicino) 2019: 2.08 mins 2022: 1.40 mins