Summary of capacity performance
Croatia experienced an increase in traffic, from 713k flights in 2022, to 814k flights in 2023 (a significant increase on 2019 traffic of 714k flights).
In 2023, Croatia had 347k minutes of delay, significantly lower than in 2022 (408k minutes of delay) despite the increase in traffic. (538k minutes of delay in 2019)
There were an additional 39k minutes of delay originating in Croatia that were re-attributed to DFS via the NM post operations delay attribution process, according to the NMB agreement for eNM/S23 measures, to ameliorate capacity shortfalls in Karlsruhe UAC.
NSA’s assessment of capacity performance
In the year 2023 there were significant challenges for LDZO ACC capacity KPI as the actual traffic was around 35% higher than planned in the RP3 Performance plan while summer season traffic was 10% above historical highest year (2022). As a consequence, limitations occurred during summer season due to unplanned high increase of traffic demand in peak hours.
Monitoring process for capacity performance
Monitoring of all available KPI’s and PI’s is done through the Single European Sky Data Portal which is considered as the main source of information.
Capacity planning
Capacity planning is performed in line with the Network Cooperative Decision-Making processes through dedicated groups CAPLAN, NETOPS and NDOP. Capacity planning is done in line with NM’s initiative for development of a rolling NOP document in which short-term capacity and demand on the Network level is described. The expected traffic outlook is given for eight weeks ahead and revised weekly, while capacity is adapted to traffic demand and reported to NM which assesses the efficiency for planned period. In the planning process on local level, several departments are involved in strategic and tactical development of the plan.
Application of Corrective Measures for Capacity (if applicable)
The NSA has implemented a bi-annual meeting practice in order to continuously monitor the management of demand-capacity imbalances by CroControl. The first meeting was held ahead of the summer season on 31st March 2023 and the next one was held 17th of January 2024.
Croatia was projected to have 771,000 flights in 2023 under the base scenario, but the actual number reached 812,671. The average annual traffic increase from 2022 to 2023 was 14%, with the first few months of 2023 seeing increases over 35%. The number of flights in the air traffic control center in 2023 also rose by 14% compared to 2022 and was 17% higher than in 2019, with significantly reduced delays.
Operational data on traffic, sector hours, and generated delays show a significant improvement in capacity management efficiency by CroControl. Controller working hours in 2022 were 8% lower compared to 2019 but returned to 2019 levels in 2023. Efficiency in traffic and capacity management is evident from the comparison of generated delays: 614,160 minutes in 2019, 397,083 minutes in 2022, and 3% less in 2023, totaling 386,246 minutes. According to data presented by CroControl representatives, efficiency increased by 17% in 2023.
The primary cause of delays were adverse weather conditions, responsible for almost two-thirds of the delay minutes, while capacity issues and staff shortages accounted for 28.6%.
The NSA did not have any additional recommendations, considering the actions defined in the NOP as being adequate for dealing with recognised shortcomings. The measures that have been put in place are:
1. Increased number of ATCOs - CroControl is continuously trying to provide training for new ATCOs, through the course of 2023, 6 new ATCOs have been put in operations. This process is continuing.
2. CroFAST system implementation - the development and implementation of an FMP system which helps monitor sector opening times, rostering, implemented regulations and their effect. The system was implemented fully in 2023.
3. Cross border weather workshop - working on predictability and effectiveness of measures taken in case of bad weather - workshop was held in November 2023.
The NSA considers that significant risks remain which are liekly to lead to performance targets being missed in the future. Attracting new ATCOs is problematic (across the majority of Member States). The ever increasing traffic demand and the resulting large number of delay minutes gives a false impression and undermines the efforts that CroControl is making to improve its own capacities.
The NSA has no options to encourage people to apply for ATCO training.
En route Capacity Incentive Scheme
Croatia Control: Despite the improvement in capacity performance, the NSA reports that, CroControl is liable for a financial penalty of €959 519.16
In accordance with Article 3(3)(a) of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1627: The incentive scheme shall cover only the calendar years 2022 to 2024.