Annual Monitoring Report 2022 - Denmark
Contextual information
National performance plan adopted following Commission Decision (EU) 2022/770 of 13 April 2022
List of ACCs 1
Copenhagen ACC
No of airports in the scope of the performance plan
≥80’K 1
<80’K 0
Exchange rate (1 EUR=)
2017: 7.43692 DKK
2022: 7.43733 DKK
Share of Union-wide traffic (TSUs) 2022 1.2%
Share of Union-wide en route costs 2022 1.5%
Share en route / terminal costs 2022 81% / 19%
En route charging zone(s)
Terminal charging zone(s)
Other ANSPs
MET Providers
Traffic (En route traffic zone)
▪ Denmark recorded 505K actual IFR movements in 2022, +68% compared to 2021 (300K).
▪ Actual 2022 IFR movements were -8.8% below the plan (553K).
▪ Actual 2022 IFR movements represent 75% of the actual 2019 level (669K).
▪ Denmark recorded 1,282K actual en route service units in 2022, +63% compared to 2021 (785K).
▪ Actual 2022 service units were -12% below the plan (1,455K).
▪ Actual 2022 service units represent 72% of the actual 2019 level (1,781K).
Safety (Main ANSP)
▪ NAVIAIR did not achieve the RP3 EoSM targets for three safety MOs and is falling behind its planned maturity levels on safety assurance, while still in line on safety risk management. The NSA monitored continuously safety performance of NAVIAIR through its oversight function.
▪ Denmark did not record any separation minima infringements (SMIs) and the rate of runway incursions per movement has significantly dropped in 2022, remaining below the Union-wide average.
▪ NAVIAIR could improve its safety management by implementing automated safety data recording systems.
Environment (Member State)
▪ Denmark achieved a KEA performance of 1.23% compared to its target of 1.14% and did not contribute positively to achieving the Union-wide target.
▪ The NSA states that there were no specific reasons why the performance target was not achieved.
▪ SCR continued to deteriorate in 2022, while KEP remained similar to 2021.
▪ The share of CDO flights decreased by 2.15% compared to 2021.
▪ During 2022, additional time in terminal airspace increased from 0.52 to 0.78 min/flight, while additional taxi out time increased from 1.52 to 2.37 min/flight.
Capacity (Member State)
▪ Denmark registered zero minutes of average en route ATFM delay per flight during 2022, thus achieving the local target value of 0.06.
▪ The average number of IFR movements was 25% below 2019 levels in Denmark in 2022.
▪ The number of ATCOs in OPS is planned to decrease by 12% in Copenhagen ACC by the end of RP3. The actual number in 2022 was above the plan due to a higher trainee pass ratio and additional ATCO resources from the military.
▪ The share of delayed flights with delays longer than 15 minutes in Denmark increased by 22.54 percentage points compared to 2021 and was higher than 2019 values.
▪ The yearly total of sector opening hours in Copenhagen ACC was 44,669 in 2022, showing no significant change compared to 2021. Sector opening hours are 0.1% below 2019 levels.
▪ Copenhagen ACC registered 9.84 IFR movements per one sector opening hour in 2022, being 23.8% below 2019 levels.
Cost-efficiency (En route/Terminal charging zone(s))
▪ The en route 2022 actual unit cost of Denmark was 72.63€2017, 13% higher than the determined unit cost (64.47€2017).3 The terminal 2022 actual unit cost was 169.47€2017, 3.9% higher than the determined unit cost (163.07€2017).
▪ The en route 2022 actual service units (1,282K) were 12% lower than the determined service units (1,455K).
▪ Despite variations within cost categories, the en route 2022 actual total costs were in line (-0.7M€2017, or -0.7%) with the determined. Even though actual costs in nominal terms were slightly higher than determined mainly due to higher staff costs, actual costs in real terms were slightly lower than determined as a result of higher-than-expected inflation.
▪ NAVIAIR spent 19.4M€2017 in 2022 related to costs of investments, 4.1% less than determined (20.2M€2017), due to postponed and delayed investments.
▪ The en route actual unit cost incurred by users in 2022 was 74.37€, while the terminal actual unit cost incurred by users was 186.19€.