Annual Monitoring Report 2022 - Austria
Contextual information
National performance plan adopted following Commission Decision (EU) 2022/774 of 13 April 2022
List of ACCs 1
Vienna ACC
No of airports in the scope of the performance plan
≥80’K 1
<80’K 5
Exchange rate (1 EUR=)
2017: 1 EUR
2022: 1 EUR
Share of Union-wide traffic (TSUs) 2022 3.0%
Share of Union-wide en route costs 2022 3.1%
Share en route / terminal costs 2022 81% / 19%
En route charging zone(s)
Terminal charging zone(s)
• Austro Control
Other ANSPs
MET Providers
Traffic (En route traffic zone)
▪ Austria recorded 1,267K actual IFR movements in 2022, +71% compared to 2021 (739K).
▪ Actual 2022 IFR movements were +3.1% above the plan (1,229K).
▪ Actual 2022 IFR movements represent 93% of the actual 2019 level (1,365K).
▪ Austria recorded 3,248K actual en route service units in 2022, +80% compared to 2021 (1,799K).
▪ Actual 2022 service units were +8.1% above the plan (3,004K).
▪ Actual 2022 service units represent 97% of the actual 2019 level (3,338K).
Safety (Main ANSP)
▪ Austria (Austro Control) did not achieve the RP3 targets in any of the safety management objectives in 2022 and requires improvement in ten areas out of 28 by the end of RP3. This is in line with their performance plan.
▪ Austro Control developed an improvement plan including specific measures required to reach the expected maturity levels. These measures have been incorporated into the strategic planning of the organisation.
▪ The overall safety performance of the organisation remained stable, the rate of occurrences was comparable with previous years and remained below the Union-wide average.
▪ Austro Control could improve its safety management by implementing automated safety data recording systems.
Environment (Member State)
▪ Austria achieved a KEA performance of 2.09% compared to its target of 1.96% and did not contribute positively to the Union-wide target. KEA performance deteriorated by 0.22 percentage points in comparison to 2021.
▪ The NSA states that the target was missed mainly due to shifted traffic flows caused by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and a resulting increase in traffic, weather phenomena during summer and non-optimised trajectories.
▪ Both KEP and SCR deteriorated in comparison to 2021.
▪ Only one out of six Austrian airports that are regulated reported terminal environment data.
▪ The share of CDO flights decreased by 6.06% compared to 2021.
▪ During 2022, additional time in terminal airspace decreased from 0.95 to 0.82 min/flight, while additional taxi out time increased from 1.94 to 2.09 min/flight.
Capacity (Member State)
▪ Austria registered 0.10 minutes of average en route ATFM delay per flight during 2022 which has been adjusted to 0.07 during the post-ops adjustment process, thus achieving the local target value of 0.17.
▪ The average number of IFR movements was still 7% below 2019 levels in Austria in 2022.
▪ The number of ATCOs in OPS is planned to increase by 7% by the end of RP3, with the actual value being above the 2022 plan in Vienna ACC.
▪ Delays were highest between June and August, mostly driven by ATC staffing and adverse weather.
▪ The share of delayed flights with delays longer than 15 minutes in Austria decreased by 1.1 percentage points compared to 2021 and was higher than 2019 values.
▪ The yearly total of sector opening hours in Vienna ACC was 57,256 in 2022, showing a 15.4% increase compared to 2021. Sector opening hours are 3.2% above 2019 levels.
▪ Vienna ACC registered 16.07 IFR movements per one sector opening hour in 2022, being 4.3% below 2019 levels.
Cost-efficiency (En route/Terminal charging zone(s))
▪ Actual en route service units (3,248K) in 2022 were 8.1% higher than the determined service units (3,004K).
▪ Total actual en route costs in 2022 were 1.7M€2017 (-0.9%) lower than determined. The increase in staff costs (+3.5M€2017, or +2.8%) compared to determined was offset by decreases in all the other cost categories.
▪ The main decreases were attributable to depreciation costs (-2.0M€2017, or -9.1%) and cost of capital (-1.4M€2017, or -26%). The NSA noted that it is mainly due to delayed investments as a result of the prolonged COVID-19 situation.
▪ Austro Control spent 29M€2017 in 2022 related to costs of investments, 13% less than determined (33M€2017), due to delayed investment as a result of the prolonged COVID-19 situation.
▪ As for the previous monitoring year, the discrepancies regarding costs of investments were significant. The PRB invites the NSA to analyse the discrepancies, identify their reasons, and the Member State to take immediate, adequate, and proportionate action to ensure the implementation of the investment plans to avoid future capacity gaps.
▪ Actual en route unit cost in 2022 of Austria was 56.91€2017, 8.3% lower than the determined unit cost (62.09€2017). Actual terminal unit cost in 2022 was 267.42€2017, 20% higher than the determined unit cost (223.52€2017).
▪ Actual en route unit cost incurred by users in 2022 was 67.45€, while the actual terminal unit cost incurred by users was 301.37€.