Annual Monitoring Report 2022 - Cyprus
Contextual information
National performance plan adopted following Commission Decision (EU) 2022/2422 of 5 December 2022
List of ACCs 1
Nicosia ACC
No of airports in the scope of the performance plan
≥80’K 0
<80’K 0
Exchange rate (1 EUR=)
2017: 1 EUR
2022: 1 EUR
Share of Union-wide traffic (TSUs) 2022 1.6%
Share of Union-wide en route costs 2022 0.9%
Share en route / terminal costs 2022 100% / 0%
En route charging zone(s)
Terminal charging zone(s)
• DCAC Cyprus
Other ANSPs
MET Providers
• Department of Meteorology of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Traffic (En route traffic zone)
▪ Cyprus recorded 344K actual IFR movements in 2022, +36% compared to 2021 (252K).
▪ Actual 2022 IFR movements were -5.2% below the plan (363K).
▪ Actual 2022 IFR movements represent 84% of the actual 2019 level (411K).
▪ Cyprus recorded 1,788K actual en route service units in 2022, +41% compared to 2021 (1,266K).
▪ Actual 2022 service units were -2.7% below the plan (1,837K).
▪ Actual 2022 service units represent 86% of the actual 2019 level (2,068K).
Safety (Main ANSP)
▪ Cyprus (CYATS) achieved the RP3 target on safety culture and safety assurance in 2022, but three remaining management objectives required improvement. CYATS performance lagged behind the expected improvements included in the performance plan, with some degradation compared with 2021.
▪ Cyprus adopted its National Safety Plan for 2022 with a clear commitment to the effective safety oversight of ANSPs including relevant KPIs and targets.
▪ Cyprus recorded a stable performance with respect to the safety occurrences with a slight increase in rate of separation minima infringements (SMIs) and no occurrences of runway incursions (RIs) in 2022.
▪ CYATS could improve its safety management by implementing automated safety data recording systems.
Environment (Member State)
▪ Cyprus achieved a KEA performance of 4.21% compared to its target of 3.84% and did not contribute positively towards achieving the Union-wide target.
▪ KEA performance in 2022 improved in comparison to 2021, though by 0.28 p.p..
▪ The NSA states that the target was not met due to the inability to optimise traffic flows in the entire of Nicosia FIR.
▪ Both KEP and SCR improved in comparison to 2021.
▪ Cyprus has no airports that are regulated under the RP3 performance and charging scheme.
Capacity (Member State)
▪ Cyprus registered zero minutes of average en route ATFM delay per flight during 2022, thus achieving the local target value of 0.16.
▪ The average number of IFR movements was 16% below 2019 levels in Cyprus in 2022.
▪ The number of ATCOs in OPS is planned to increase by 2% by the end of RP3 with the value being above the 2022 plan in Nicosia ACC.
▪ The share of delayed flights with delays longer than 15 minutes in Cyprus increased by 1.42 p.p. compared to 2021 and was lower than 2019 values.
▪ The yearly total of sector opening hours in Nicosia ACC was 24,020 in 2022, showing a 39.6% increase compared to 2021. Sector opening hours are 18.7% below 2019 levels.
▪ Nicosia ACC registered 14.31 IFR movements per one sector opening hour in 2022, being 2.8% above 2019 levels.
Cost-efficiency (En route/Terminal charging zone(s))
▪ The en route 2022 actual unit cost of Cyprus was 29.97 €2017, 3.1% lower than the determined unit cost (30.92 €2017). Cyprus does not have a terminal charging zone.
▪ The en route 2022 actual service units (1,788K) were 2.7% lower than the determined service units (1,837K).
▪ The en route 2022 actual total costs were 3.2 M€2017 (-5.7%) lower than determined, as all cost categories decreased. It was mainly attributable to lower other operating costs (-1.8 M€2017, or -6.3%) largely due to a delay of a new building.
▪ DCAC Cyprus spent 3.7 M€2017 in 2022 related to costs of investments, 12% less than determined (4.2 M€2017), due to the postponement of payment for investments that have been delayed.
▪ As for the previous monitoring year, the discrepancies regarding costs of investments were significant. The PRB invites the NSA to analyse the discrepancies, identify their reasons, and the Member State to take immediate, adequate, and proportionate action to ensure the implementation of the investment plans to avoid future capacity gaps.
▪ The en route actual unit cost incurred by users in 2022 was 33.36€.