In 2023, the terminal AUC was -18.8% (or -28.15 €2017) lower than the planned DUC. This results from the combination of significantly higher than planned TNSUs (+18.7%) and lower than planned terminal costs in real terms (-3.6%, or -1.4 M€2017). It should be noted that actual inflation index in 2023 was +11.7 p.p. higher than planned.
Terminal service units
The difference between actual and planned TNSUs (+18.7%) falls outside the ±10% threshold foreseen in the traffic risk sharing mechanism. The resulting gain of additional terminal revenues is therefore shared between the ANSP and the airspace users .
Terminal costs by entity
Actual real terminal costs are -3.6% (-1.4 M€2017) lower than planned. This is the result of lower costs for the main ANSP, NAV Portugal (-3.0%, or -1.2 M€2017), the MET service provider (-16.6%, or -0.2 M€2017) and the NSA (-15.2%, or -0.1 M€2017).
Terminal costs for the main ANSP at charging zone level
Lower than planned terminal costs in real terms for NAV Portugal in 2023 (-3.0%, or -1.2 M€2017) result from:
- Slightly lower staff costs in real terms (-1.6%) but higher in nominal terms (+9.4%) due to non-controllable financial market factors that elevated the final costs of the Defined Benefit (DB) pension plans, leading to higher than anticipated pension liabilities;
- Significantly lower other operating costs, by -9.0% in real terms (higher +1% in nominal terms), thanks to savings that offset higher charges for electricity, IT consulting services and other external supplies;
- Lower depreciation (-4.3%), mainly due to delays in the TOPSKY Towers project,
- Significantly lower cost of capital (-43.6%), due to a lower net book value of fixed assets.