Summary of capacity performance
Slovakia experienced an increase in traffic from 271k flights in 2021 to 470k flights in 2022.
12k minutes of en route ATFM delay originating in the Bratislava ACC were re-attributed to DFS (10k) and DSNA (2k) via the NM post operations delay attribution process, according to the NMB agreement for eNM/S22 measures, to ameliorate capacity shortfalls in both Karlsruhe UAC and Reims ACC.
Following the above reattribution of delays, Bratislava ACC had almost zero remaining ATFM delays in 2022.
NSA’s assessment of capacity performance
In terms of IFR movements, the actual level of traffic exceeded the forecasted level by approximately 10%.
With traffic level exceeding forecasted volume LPS SR, š. p. was set to start recovering from the pandemic-caused crisis in economic terms.
Target has been met with a recorded delay of 0.03 minutes per flight (0.07 min/flight required).
Monitoring process for capacity performance
Analysis on strategical, pretactical and post ops level is being done on regular basis using Eurocontrol’s 6 weeks traffic forecast, NMIR Tool, Eurocontrol’s ACC Dashboard and our internal rostering tool to monitor and ensure that provided capacity meets traffic demand.
Capacity planning
During the period of 2018-2022 ATFM delay per flight was always below target limit and we expect this trend to continue in next years. No capacity issues are foreseen for RP3 in the baseline traffic growth scenario.
Application of Corrective Measures for Capacity (if applicable)
Additional Information Related to Russia’s War of Aggression Against Ukraine
Due to unavailability of Ukrainian and Russian airspace, traffic originally planned to fly via Ukraine and long-haul flights to Asia moved to eastern part of FIR Bratislava. In 2022 average delay per flight was below target limit, mainly because of opening more sectors than originally planned.
Due to establishment of military transit corridors, capacity below FL335 was reduced by 30%.
Shifts were boosted by adding more personnel, thus we were able to keep more sectors opened during the day and late evening. This was only possible due to air traffic controllers accepting working extra hours and hugely improved covid situation.