2023, the terminal AUC was +12.8% (or +155.12 RON2017, +33.97 €2017) higher than the planned DUC. This results from the combination of significantly higher than planned terminal costs in real terms (+9.6%, or +8.3 MRON2017, +1.8 M€2017) and lower than planned TNSUs (-2.8%). It should be noted that actual inflation index in 2023 was +10.6 p.p. higher than planned.
Terminal service units
The difference between the 2023 actual and planned TNSUs (-2.8%) falls outside the ±2% dead band, but does not exceed the ±10% threshold foreseen in the traffic risk sharing mechanism. The resulting loss of terminal revenues is therefore shared between the ANSP and the airspace users .
Terminal costs by entity
The 2023 real actual terminal costs are +9.6% (+1.8 M€2017) higher than planned. This is the result of higher than planned costs for the main ANSP, ROMATSA (+9.9%, or +1.9 M€2017) and lower than planned costs for the NSA (-30.8%, or -0.1 M€2017).
Terminal costs for the main ANSP at charging zone level
Significantly higher than planned terminal costs in real terms for ROMATSA in 2023 (+9.9%, or +1.9 M€2017) result from:
- Significantly higher than planned staff costs (+12.9%), reporetd to be mainly due to “an increase of pension costs and compensation of personnel with inflation”
- Significantly higher than planned other operating costs (+11.9%) reported to be mainly due to “a provision for unsettled clients as the recovery rate is progressing slowly”.,
- Significantly lower than planned depreciation (-18.8%), reported to be mainly due “to the postponement of finalisation for the Modernization of A-SMGCS at DSNA Bucharest - Implementation of Advanced Tower Messaging”.
- Significantly lower than planned cost of capital (-12.4%). reported to be mainly due to “the postponment of the A_SMGCS investment, partially offset by the increasing interest rate for the contracted loan”
- Significantly lower than planned deduction for VFR exempted flights (-87.6%).