In 2022, the terminal AUC was -2.0% (or -36.04 NOK2017, -3.86 €2017) lower than the planned DUC resulting from significantly higher than planned TNSUs (+7.5%) and higher than planned terminal costs in real terms (+5.3%, or +20.0 MNOK2017, +2.1 M€2017). It should be noted that actual inflation index in 2022 was +6.5 p.p. higher than planned.
Terminal service units
The difference between actual and planned TNSUs (+7.5%) falls outside the ±2% dead band, but does not exceed the ±10% threshold foreseen in the traffic risk sharing mechanism. Hence the additional terminal revenue is shared between the ANSP and the airspace users, with the ANSP (Avinor) retaining an amount of +1.3 M€2017.
Terminal costs by entity
Actual real terminal costs are +5.3% (+2.1 M€2017) higher than planned. This is the result of higher costs for the main ANSP, Avinor (+5.1%, or +2.0 M€2017) and the MET service provider (+19.0%, or +0.2 M€2017) and lower costs for the NSA (-7.0%, or -0.01 M€2017).
Terminal costs for the main ANSP at charging zone level
Significantly higher than planned terminal costs in real terms for Avinor in 2022 (+5.1%, or +2.0 M€2017) result from the combination of:
- Significantly higher staff costs (+6.4%), the main driver being the significantly higher than planned traffic at Norwegian regulated airports;
- Significantly higher other operating costs (+6.6%), resulting from higher than planned travel, consultancy and energy costs, and to a lesser extent, re-allocation between staff and other operating cost, linked with the organizational restructuring ;
- Lower depreciation (-2.2%), “due to the delayed capitalization of the new terminal radar at Oslo airport”;
- Slightly higher cost of capital (+0.4%), due to a slightly higher asset base resulting from the higher investment level than foreseen in the performance plan for RP3; and,
- Higher deduction for VFR exempted flights (+4.3%).