Annual Monitoring Report 2020 - Slovakia
Contextual information
National performance plan adopted following Commission Decision (EU) 2022/768 of 13 April 2022
List of ACCs 1
Bratislava ACC
No of airports in the scope of the performance plan
≥80’K 0
<80’K 0
Exchange rate (1 EUR=)
2017: 1 EUR
2020: 1 EUR
Share of Union-wide traffic (TSUs) 2020 0.9%
Share of Union-wide en route costs 2020 0.7%
Share en route / terminal costs 2020 100% / 0%
En route charging zone(s)
Terminal charging zone(s)
Other ANSPs
MET Providers
Traffic (En route traffic zone)
▪ Slovakia recorded 201K actual IFR movements in 2020, -64% compared to 2019 (562K).
▪ Slovakia IFR movements reduced more than the average reduction at Union-wide level (-57%).
▪ Slovakia recorded 475K actual en route service units in 2020, -63% compared to 2019 (1,292K).
▪ Slovakia service units reduced more than the average reduction at Union-wide level (-57%).
Safety (Main ANSP)
▪ LPS SR achieved the RP3 EoSM targets for safety risk management and safety assurance while improvements are required to the maturities of the other three management objectives. For safety risk management and safety assurance, LPS SR is ahead of the plan included in the draft 2019 performance plan and on the planned level for the three other objectives.
▪ An action plan for further improvement of the safety management system maturity is currently under the review at the safety board. Significant measures are planned for 2021 including measures related to just culture, compliance management and safety/SMS training, which should improve performance.
▪ LPS SR only needs to improve safety maturity by one level on four out of 28 EoSM questions to achieve the RP3 targets. This should be feasible sooner than 2024.
▪ Slovakia recorded a good performance with respect to safety occurrences with no occurrences recorded for SMIs or RIs.
▪ LPS SR should improve its SMS by implementing automated safety data recording systems for RIs.
Environment (Member State)
▪ Slovakia achieved a KEA performance of 2.22% compared to its reference value of 2.10% and therefore did not contribute positively to the Union-wide target.
▪ No detailed assessment was completed by the NSA to explain the performnace. Instead, the NSA suggested that airspace users are not making better use of free route airspace that is available above FL245.
▪ However, given that the shortest constrained routes have remained stable over the past five years and remains above the actual KEA performance, it suggests that Slovakia’s airspace can be further improved to better serve airspace users.
▪ Slovakia has no airports that are regulated under the RP3 performance and charging scheme.
Capacity (Member State)
▪ LPS SR registered zero minutes of average en route ATFM delay per flight during 2020, thus meeting the local breakdown value of 0.18.
▪ Delays must be considered in the context of the traffic evolution: IFR movements in 2020 were 64% below the 2019 levels in Slovakia.
▪ Slovakia reported no capacity issues and an almost 2% decrease in ATCO FTE numbers in 2020 compared to 2019. This represents a 16% deficit of ATCO FTEs compared to the planned number of ATCO FTEs for 2020 - despite extensive recruitment efforts being continued.
▪ The yearly total of sector opening hours in Bratislava ACC was 17,002, showing a 30.8% decrease compared to 2019.
▪ Bratislava ACC registered 11.47 IFR movements per one sector opening hour in 2020, being 48.5% below 2019 levels.
Cost-efficiency (En route/Terminal charging zone(s))
▪ Slovakia encountered the largest decrease in service units across Member States, with 2020 actual service units (475K) being 63% lower than the actual service units in 2019 (1,295K).
▪ Slovakia had the highest percentage of savings in 2020 across all Member States, decreasing total costs in 2020 by 20M€2017 (-32%). The reduction is primarily driven by a decrease of 17M€2017 (-41%) in staff costs, resulting from freezing of recruitment, non-payment of bonuses, decrease in social fund contribution and education costs and salaries.
▪ LPS SR spent 6.8M€2017 related to cost of investments in 2020, 12% less than planned in the 2019 draft performance plan (7.7M€2017). The reduction can be explained by a decrease in depreciation and cost of capital, due to a decrease in both the asset base and the WACC.