Annual Monitoring Report 2020 - Czech Republic
Contextual information
National performance plan adopted following Commission Decision (EU) 2022/772 of 13 April 2022
List of ACCs 1
Prague ACC
No of airports in the scope of the performance plan
≥80’K 1
<80’K 0
Exchange rate (1 EUR=)
2017: 26.3115 CZK
2020: 26.435 CZK
Share of Union-wide traffic (TSUs) 2020 2.2%
Share of Union-wide en route costs 2020 1.7%
Share en route / terminal costs 2020 85% / 15%
En route charging zone(s)
Czech Republic
Terminal charging zone(s)
Czech Republic
Other ANSPs
MET Providers
Traffic (En route traffic zone)
▪ Czech Republic recorded 340K actual IFR movements in 2020, -61% compared to 2019 (867K).
▪ Czech Republic IFR movements reduced more than the average reduction at Union-wide level (-57%).
▪ Czech Republic recorded 1,138K actual en route service units in 2020, -61% compared to 2019 (2,936K).
▪ Czech Republic service units reduced more than the average reduction at Union-wide level (-57%).
Safety (Main ANSP)
▪ ANS CR has already achieved the RP3 EoSM targets and exceeded the targets in three management objectives.
▪ ANS CR was already achieving high level of maturity during RP2 and has continued to improve the maturity during the first year of RP3.
▪ The Czech Republic recorded stable performance with respect to occurrences. Separation minima infringement per flight hour increased despite only a single occurrence. The large reduction in flight hours caused the rate to increase. The rate of runway incursion per movement decreased.
▪ ANS CR monitors safety performance using specific automated safety recording tools for occurrences and it is one of only a handful of ANSPs to do so.
Environment (Member State)
▪ The Czech Republic achieved a KEA performance of 2.18% compared to its reference value of 2.26% and therefore contributed positively towards achieving the Union-wide target.
▪ The Czech Republic stated that the performance improvement was down to the significant fall in traffic and that the increased proportion of short-haul flights vs. long-haul flights meant that KEA was favourably influenced. Once normal traffic flows resume, it is unlikely this performance will be maintained.
▪ Nonetheless, the Czech Republic implemented free route airspace as of February 2021 and restructured its airspace to prepare as best as possible for a growth in traffic.
▪ Only one out of four Czech airports that are regulated reported terminal data.
▪ The share of flights operating CCO/CDO at Václav Havel Prague airport improved in 2020. The additional time airspace users spent taxiing or holding in terminal airspace reduced by 52% compared to 2019.
Capacity (Member State)
▪ ANS CR registered near zero minutes of average en route ATFM delay per flight during 2020, thus meeting the local breakdown value of 0.20 minutes of average en route ATFM delay per flight .
▪ Delays must be considered in the context of the traffic evolution: IFR movements in 2020 were 61% below the 2019 levels in the Czech Republic.
▪ The Czech Republic reported no capacity issues and an increase in ATCO FTEs by 17% compared to 2019. This was due to training activities as well as the relocation of APP controllers to ACC. The actual number ATCO FTEs in 2020 was almost 8% over the planned value.
▪ Based on the analysis of previous capacity profiles, the PRB estimates the Czech Republic to face a capacity gap once IFR movements rise above 94% of 2019 levels. The PRB recommends that the reported capacity improvement measures are continued before traffic begins to recover.
▪ The yearly total of sector opening hours in Prague ACC was 36,911, showing a 21.1% decrease compared to 2019.
▪ Prague ACC registered 8.48 IFR movements per one sector opening hour in 2020, being 52.3% below 2019 levels.
Cost-efficiency (En route/Terminal charging zone(s))
▪ The 2020 actual service units (1,138K) were 61% lower than the actual service units in 2019 (2,904K).
▪ The Czech Republic reduced total costs in 2020 by 21 M€2017 (-17%) compared to 2019 actual costs. The reduction is mainly due to a decrease of 16 M€2017 (-22%) in staff costs, due to suspension of non-basic wages benefits, reduction of pension contribution, managerial positions and FTEs. Cost of capital also decreased notably by 2.3 M€2017 (-25%) due to a lower asset base and WACC.
▪ ANS CR spent 28 M€2017 in 2020 related to cost of investments, 29% less than planned in the 2019 draft performance plan (39 M€2017).
▪ The decrease in cost of investments is due to a reprioritization of investments (main changes occurred in other new investments) to maintain financial stability in response to COVID-19.