In the combined year 2020-2021, the AUC for Italy TCZ1 was lower than the planned DUC (-3.9%, or -15.78€). This results from the combination of higher than planned TNSUs (+2.2%) and lower than planned terminal costs in real terms (-1.7%, or -1.1 M€2017).
Terminal service units
The difference between actual and planned TNSUs (+2.2%) falls outside of the ±2% dead band. Hence, the resulting gain is shared between the ANSP and airspace users, with the ANSP retaining an amount of 1.2 M€.
Terminal costs by entity
Actual real terminal costs for 2020-2021 in the Italian TCZ1 are -1.7% (-1.1 M€2017) lower than planned. This mainly reflects lower than planned costs for the main ANSP - ENAV (-1.8%, or -1.1 M€2017), while the costs for the NSA were in line with the plan.
Terminal costs for the main ANSP at charging zone level
The lower than planed terminal costs in real terms for ENAV in 2020-2021 reflects a combination of:
- slightly lower staff costs (-0.1%);
- lower other operating costs (-2.7%), which are understood to reflect costs savings for utilities and communications, external services and maintenance of non-operational equipment;
- lower depreciation costs (-1.4%); and,
- lower cost of capital (-6.0%), which are understood to reflect lower than planned asset base used to compute the cost of capital.