In 2022, the terminal AUC was -34.0% (or -58.95 €2017) lower than the planned DUC. This results from the combination of significantly lower than planned terminal costs in real terms (-36.6%, or -2.0 M€2017) and lower than planned TNSUs (-3.9%).
Terminal service units
The difference between the 2022 actual and planned TNSUs (-3.9%) falls outside the ±2% dead band, but does not exceed the ±10% threshold foreseen in the traffic risk sharing mechanism. The resulting loss of terminal revenues is therefore shared between the ATSP and the airspace users, with the ATSP (MATS) bearing a loss of -0.1 M€2017.
Terminal costs by entity
The 2022 actual real terminal costs are -36.6% (-2.0 M€2017) lower than planned. This is the result of lower costs for the main ANSP, MATS (-42.6%, or -1.9 M€2017), the other ANSP (MIA, -10.1%, or -0.05 M€2017) and the NSA (-2.1%, or 0.01 M€2017).
Terminal costs for the main ANSP at charging zone level
Significantly lower than planned terminal costs in real terms for MATS in 2022 (-42.6%, or -1.9 M€2017) result from:
- Significantly lower than planned staff costs (-38.2%, or -0.9 M€2017), “due to the fact that during 2022 some ATCOs obtained the area licence and a portion of their wages was apportioned to en route.”
- Significantly lower than planned other operating costs (-58.0%, or -0.8 M€2017),
- Lower than planned depreciation costs (-30.7%, or -0.2 M€2017), “due to the fact that the actual realised CAPEX was much lower than anticipated.”,
- Lower than planned cost of capital (-32.6%, or -0.03 M€2017), mainly due to significantly lower asset base.