Capacity - Bulgaria
PRB monitoring
▪ BULATSA registered zero minutes of average en route ATFM delay per flight during 2020, thus meeting the local breakdown value of 0.17.
▪ Delays must be considered in the context of the traffic evolution: IFR movements in 2020 were 57% below the 2019 levels in Bulgaria.
▪ The NSA reported some early issues in adapting the rostering scheme due to the pandemic but managed to resolve these without generating delays.
▪ ATCOs were also relocated to work on running projects, thus resulting in a reduction of over 5% of ATCO FTEs compared to 2019 (2020 planned values were not reported).
▪ Brussels ACC registered 10.01 IFR movements per one sector opening hour in 2020, being 54.1% below 2019 levels.
▪ Sofia ACC registered 16.15 IFR movements per one sector opening hour in 2020, being 31.6% below 2019 levels.